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Old 12-30-2018, 12:51 PM
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Default Transporting a fiberglass body: Ideas??

Greetings Folks!

I’ll be headed out in a February to visit the guy that’s going to be making the BMW 507 body for me, and then it hit me: How is me going to get the body to Texas without it looking like a dropped hard boiled egg.?.

Trusting nobody but myself to transport this, and even then the source is scary, I’ve been brainstorming idears on how to do this. I was thinking of building some sort of wooden box to house the body in with that foam pipe insulation for bracing, support, and protection. The journey would be made in one of those U-Hauly enclosed moving trucks (maybe an 18ft one). Loading and unloading would be simple with long wooden ramps and dolleys, or it would be walked up into and out the trailer with the shipping box built inside after the body is set down, then taken apart for removal when I get it back here.

So, does this sound plausible? Anyone know how Cobra kit cars are shipped? Are there specialized shippers that deal with stuff like this? Just curious if anyone may have experience dealing with shipping something of this size and fragility.

Thanks guys!

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