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Old 02-01-2023, 03:29 AM
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Default take off early L79 327 350 chrome 0 valve covers - SBC HiPo rare

Hi Gang,

I'm hesitant to call these survivor pieces, but they are certainly good quality driver units.

They have the wire clips modified and by that, I mean snapped off on one and popped off on the other. This mod could be corrected, I'm sure.

Chrome is very nice as shown with only a couple issues - a tiny dent from the inside poking through the chrome and a tiny area of flaking. Otherwise, typical GM quality flash chrome of the era. Plating is missing on the one where the two tabs were removed of course.

They are, I would say, better than quality driver condition, but many photos below to give a full picture.

These would work on a survivor for some, and even with the "damage" they present well, again, IMO.

They are certainly genuine as evidenced by the "O" stamping on the flanges. And not often found anymore. They are nice, just not perfect.

Now, I'll include the old NOS boxes that are shown in these photos - the story I got was that these chrome covers were on a real deal early L79 which got these chromed covers from the factory of course, and when the new Corvette aluminum finned / script Lester L79 covers came out, the original owner ran out and bought some to swap them out and in those 3767493 boxes these chrome covers have sat for decades. These are NOT the boxes for these covers; just a bonus I'll pass along.

300.00 PPG shipped to the US.

Thanks friends,
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