Originally Posted by Tracker1
Any wholesale technological shift in human history has involved dragging naysayers kicking and screaming into progress. It will happen, it always does. Smarter people will figure it out and one day it's normal. We are many days away from it, but it will happen - guaranteed. My son is 10; I'd like him and his children to enjoy this beautiful planet God gave us, in some semblance of its original form - not the cesspool we have created. I have faith we'll get there.
Wholesale shifts are accomplished in a free and open society by the dictates of the free market. Electric will kill the internal combustion engine-- when the market says so.
A comment on the technology basis for EV's.. .
Background: I used to manage a substantial stockpile of lithium (literally warehouses full) that was generated during the early days of our atomic defense programs. The US government sold all of it to battery manufacturers to enable the manufacture of Lithium batteries, and to keep lithium mining to an absolute minimum then all due to the risks presented by it.
Want to see a real cesspool? Mine Lithium and look at the environmental impacts from doing so. Nobody wants to talk about it and there is a reason why.